Note to Reader

This is the first draft of a book manuscript. As such, it is not a final book, but rather a work-in-progress. Because it addresses pressing issues, I have decided to share this first draft with readers. I am eager to receive your comments and feedback. I apologize for typographical errors, stylistic infelicities, and substantive errors—all mine. Please send me your thoughts and comments, preferably by way of comments on the website that hosts this first draft (// or by email to

I thank you in advance, Bernard E. Harcourt.

Special thanks to Mia Ruyter for critical conversations over the past six months. Special thanks as well for exceptional support and assistance to Fonda Shen for editorial, research, and bibliographic work; to Alexis Marin for research in nineteenth-century political theory; to Tanveer Singh for research on contemporary coöperatives, credit unions, and mutuals; and to Julia Udell for research on the 2020 bailouts. All errors are entirely mine.

© Bernard E. Harcourt 2020 – All Rights Reserved Columbia Center for Contemporary Critical Thought Columbia University, New York City